Требуется сочинение на тему: " Я хочу принять участие в программе…

andreymani 09 сентября 2023

Требуется сочинение на тему: " Я хочу принять участие в программе по обменустудентов»

категория: английский язык


Feature of the course — its practical orientation . Will address the issues of ethics and professional responsibility , as relevant in Russia and in the beyond, including the regulation of the legal profession , customer contacts and agreements with them , conflicts of interest , confidentiality and disclosure of information, anti-corruption efforts , particularly the status of corporate lawyers , corporate social responsibility and pro bono activities .A similar course was held in November 2011 and November 2012 and received high marks students. " With this course , I realized that the legal ethics — is not only beautiful words — written in the recall one of the participants . — This is actually a significant part of our profession. I think that one can not be a lawyer without the knowledge in the field of professional ethics. "

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