Твір на тему «Мої майбутні літні канікули»

lilian 24 ноября 2023

Твір на тему «Мої майбутні літні канікули»

категория: английский язык


Soon thesummer holidays will come! I won't have to get up early in the morningand run to school. I will be able to stay in the bed till midday. If theweather will be fine my friends and I will go for a walk every day. It will befun! Then I will spend a month in the country where my grandfather andgrandmother live. It will be great. I will drink milk and eat a lot of tastyfood which my granny will prepare for me. I have many friends in this villagebecause I go there every holidays. We will play football and tennis every day! There is a small river near the forest and we will swim when the weather willbe fine.

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