Ученые выяснили, что, оказывается, люди…

victoriast 06 октября 2023

Ученые выяснили, что, оказывается, люди, которые смотрят «ящик» около 6 часов в день, сокращают свою жизнь на 5 лет… если вы к примеру смотрите свойлюбимый сериал, вы остро переживаете за героев из-за этого у вас могут появиться разные заболевания… а как известно, что самые опасные болезни мы получаем их, когда мы нервничаем. Можете сами перевести, без помощи гугла и прочее… не могу просто грамотно все написать… помогите пож, завтра экз 1-ый по англ (

категория: английский язык


Researchers found that, it turns out, people who watch "box" about 6 hours a day, reduce the life of 5 years… For example if you see your favorite show, you are acutely worried for the characters because of this, you may appear different diseases … and it is known that the most dangerous diseases we get them when we are nervous

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06 октября 2023
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к тексту Outdoor advertising The world of outdoor advertising billboards, transport and «street furniture» (thingslike bus shelters and public toilets) -is worth about $18 billion a year, just 6% of all the world spending on advertising. But it is one of the fastest growing segments, having doubled its market share in recent years. Outdoor advertising's appeal is growing as TV and print are losing theirs. The soaring costs of TV are prompting clients to consider alternatives. Dennis Sullivan, boss of Portland Group, a media buyer, calls outdoor advertising the last true mass-market medium. It is also cheap. In Britain, a 30-second prime-time TV slot costs over $100 000. Placing an ad on a bus shelter for two weeks works out at about $150. Adding to its attraction has been a revolution in the quality of outdoor displays. Famous architects such as Britain's Sir Norman Foster are designing arty bus shelters and kiosks with backlit displays. Backlighting, introduced in Europe by Decaux and More, and plastic poster skins have vastly improved colour and contrast. Movement is possible too. Smirnoff used new multi-image printing to make a spider, seen through a vodka bottle, appear to crawl up a man's back. And Disney advertised its «101 Dalmatians» video on bus shelters with the sound of puppies barking. This sort of innovation has attracted a new class of advertiser. Recent data from Concord, a poster buyer, shows that in Britain, alcohol and tobacco have been replaced by entertainment, clothing and financial services as the big outdoor advertisers, like car makers, are using it in new ways. BMV ran a "teasers' campaign in Britain exclusively on bus shelters. Particularly attractive to the new advertisers is street furniture, he fastest growing segment of the outdoor market. It accounts for some 20% in Europe and about 5% in America

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