VIII. Заполните пропускисловами much, many или a lot of: 1) How…

nimay 30 августа 2023

VIII. Заполните пропускисловами much, many или a lot of: 1) How… machines do you want to buy? 2) I haven’t got… time, but I’ll try to help you. 3) She meets… customers every day. 4) Do you know… people in this company? 5) This client always asks … questions.IX. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы: 1) The Managing Director told us about the change of his plans.2) My boss phoned me yesterday.3) We were on a business trip last month.4) They have just discussed the terms of the contract.5) The secretary has sent the documents by air mail.6) In June we will produce two new models.7) They will accept our offer.8) The hotel was very expensive.9) They had a meeting the day before yesterday.10) The plane for Moscow left on time.

категория: английский язык


1.many2.much/a lot of-оба возможны 3.a lot of4.many5.a lot of (но и many тож верно) 1… Didn't tell us… Did the Managing Director tell us about… 2.My boss didn't phoned me… .Did my boss phone me yest… .3.We were not on a … Were we on a,,,,,,,,4.have they just discussed the…? They haven't discuss… 5… hasn't sent the… Did the secretary send the doc,,,,,,? 6… .we will not priduce… .Will we produce two new models in June? 7.will they accept… .? They will not accept … 8… wasn't very exp… Was the hotel very ex… .? 9.Did you have a meeting the day before yest…? They had not a meeting… .10… Hadn't left on timeHad the plane for Moscow left on time? (Прости, если найдутся ошибочки)

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