Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях

qback 17 октября 2023

Восстановите прямую речь в следующих предложениях. Помогите пожалуйста! Спасибо. 1. John told his friend that he had just come from the United States and intended to stay in St. Petersburg for about a month. 2. Our monitor said that he was not satisfied with his report and was going to work at it for some more time. He said that he was to make it on the twelfth of February and so he had a few days left. 3. He said that hewas quite all right. The climate hadn't done him any harm. 4. Aman came up and asked me where He could buy a video-cassette. 5. I asked my brother who had rung him up in the morning. 6. He told me not to call on him the next day as he would not be at home. 7. The officer ordered the soldiers to wait for him. 8. He said that he had lived in St. Petersburg for many years and knew the city very well. 9,1 told my brother that I was sorry he hadn't kept his promise.^

категория: английский язык


1. John said to his friend: I have just come from the UnitedStates and intend to stay in St. Petersburg for about a month. 2. Ourmonitor said: I'm not satisfied with my report and am going towork at it for some more time. He said: I am to make it on thetwelfth of February and so I have a few days left. 3. He said: I'mquite all right. The climate hasn't done me any harm.4. A man came upand asked me: Where can I buy a video-cassette? 5. I asked my brother: Who rang you up in the morning? 6. He said to me: Do not call on me tomorrow as I won't be at home. 7. The officer said: Wait for me! 8. He said: I have lived in St. Petersburgfor many years and know the city very well. 9. I said to my brother: I'm sorry I haven't kept my promise.

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