ВпишиPeiple come to ________________________ to see the pyramids

dejavu 11 сентября 2023

ВпишиPeiple come to ________________________ to see the pyramids.I'm going to send an ________________ to my pen pal.The ___________ letter on the word 'different' is T.I'm going to visit _____________________ in january, when it's hot.December is the _______________ nonth of the year.School starts on the ________ of september in Russia/I want to find a ___________ from australia.

категория: английский язык


People come to Egypt to see the pyramids.I'm going to send an e-mail to my pen pal.The last letter on the word 'different' is T.I'm going to visit Africa in January, when it's hot.December is the last month of the year.School starts on the first of September in Russia/I want to find a friend from Australia.

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