Вставте одно из слово сочетаний People from the (1) _________

icewater 13 октября 2023

Вставте одно из слово сочетаний People from the (1) _________ (east/north) to the (2) _______ (north/west) of the USA happily celebrate local andnational (3) ________ (parades/occasions).Some of them, like Thaksgiving Day, are (4) ____________ (connected/told) with American history, others,like Christmas are (5) ___________ (associated/included) with (6) ___________ (historical/religious) events.Independence Day that (7) ___________ (is associated/marks) the birth of the country is (8) ________ (widely/often) celebrated by the Americans. Wherever Americans are on the day they always (9) ___________ (decide/unite) for picnics, barbecues and to watch (10) ___________ (fireworks/films). Many Americans gladly (11) _________ (remember/follow) their local or ethnic traditions and take part in local festivals and fairs. These celebrations (12) ____________ (include/unite) special food, drink and entertainment. (13) ____________ (As/Although) the history of the USA is not long, the country has a long list of national, ethnic and regional celebrations.

категория: английский язык


1 east2 west3 occasions4 connected5 associated6 religious7 marks8 widely9 unite10 fireworks11 follow12 include13 Although

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