which is right? complete the sentences: 1) he could…

qz-456 09 ноября 2023

which is right? complete the sentences: 1) he could… (hard, hardly,) wait to open the box. 2) she worked… . (hard,hardly) but her mother stillwasnt… (happy, happily) 3) he smiled… (happy,happily at the news). 4) there was a… (happy, happily) smile on his face 5) cinderella married the prince and they lived… (happy,happily) ever after 6) mary did all the work very… (happy/happily) 7) the children were playing… (quiet, quietly) 8) be… (quiet, quietly)! dont wake the baby! 9) she is… (nice,nicely) singer. 10) she sings… . (nice,nicely)

категория: английский язык


1. he could hardly wait2. she worked hard, but her mother still wasnt happy3. he smiled.happily 4. a happy smile5. they lived happy ever after6. very happily 7. were playin quietly8. be quiet! 9. a nice singer10. nice

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