Задать 5 различных вопросов

iipoxop 30 октября 2023

Задать 5 различных вопросов (общий, спец к подл, специальный, хвостовой, альтернативный) заранее спасибо) Some men and women in the centre of theplayground were telling us about their school years.

категория: английский язык


Some men and women in the centre of the playground were telling us about their school years. 1. Were any men and women in the centre of the playground telling us about their school years? — общий вопрос 2. Were any men and women in the centre of the playground telling us about their school or institute years? — альтернативный вопрос 3. When were any men and women in the centre of the playground telling us about their school years? — специальный вопрос 4. Some men and women in the centre of the playground were telling us about their school years, weren't they? — разделительный вопрос 5. Who was telling us about their school years in the centre of the playground? — специальный вопрос к подлежащему

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