Проверте на ошибки? With my husband and I met at a birthday…

alex-ua 22 ноября 2023

Проверте на ошибки? With my husband and I met at a birthday of a friend.We became friends and began to communicate. But I knew that heliked me. He beautifully cared for me and I fell in love.Spent all our free time together. Of course as we all have had a quarrel. We broke up but then realized that this love and decided to get married. I gave birth to a boy.Many years have passed and we already have their grandchildren.And today we celebrate a wedding anniversary.

категория: английский язык


My husband and I met at a birthday partyof my friend. We made friends and began to communicate. But I knew thathe liked me. He beautifully took care about me and I fellin love. We spent all our free time together. Of course, sometimeswe had a quarrel. We broke up but then we realized that itwas a really love and we decided to get married. Thena boy was born in our family. Many years have passed and we alreadyhave ourgrandchildren. And now we are celebrating ourwedding anniversary.

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