Open the brackets to make the story complete

jack62 23 сентября 2023

Open the brackets to make the story complete. (Some of the verb forms can be passive.) Write the story down. The young Princess got home in notime. She (1. tell) her father what (2. happen) in the forest. She also (3. add) that the Chest (4, ask) her (5. bring) a knife with her (6. make) a hole in the side of the Chest. The Princess (7. not, want) (8. go) to the forest but she (9. give) her word and (10. understand) she (11. havу to) (12. keep) her promise. The old King (13. decide) (14. make) his daughter (15. stay) at home.

категория: английский язык


1.told2.had happened3.added4.had asked5.to bring6. make7.didn't want8.to go9.had given10.understood11.had to12.keep13.decided14.to make15stay

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