Описать свою комнату на англиском

vipperson 10 октября 2023

Описать свою комнату на англиском

категория: английский язык


My room is very light and large. There isa sofa on the right. Next to the sofa there is a yellow nightstand. You can seea vase with flowers on my dresser. On the left side of the dresser there is awindow. And next to the window there is my desk where I do my homework. Ofcourse, I have a computer desk with my new net-book which connected toInternet. Along the long wall of my room there is a book-case with many shelvesfor books and CD-disks. There are some posters with my favorite pop-singers onthe walls. And in the middle of the room there is a colorful carpet. I love my room!

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