Опишите погоду в Испании, Швейцарии, Недерландах, Романии, Норвегии…

sllexa 24 октября 2023

Опишите погоду в Испании, Швейцарии, Недерландах, Романии, Норвегии, Италии, Португалии, Англии в ДВУХ словах (например wet andcloudy)

категория: английский язык


Spain — in spain the weather is shyny and sunny. this is hot country. switzerland — this is cold and snowy country. the alps give you snow and cold weather. nitherlands — the weather of this countru dependsv on the cyclone from the Atlantic Ocean. romania — the weather of this country very unusual, on the south coast the weather is sunny and sometimes rainy, in the norh — cold and sometimes snowy. norway — north and cold country where dominated cold and snowy climate. italy — very warm and sunny country by washing with warm Mediterranean sea. portugal — like in spain as well as in Spain, are dominated by warm, sunny climate. england — prevailing foggy and rainy climate

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