Помогите написать сочинение как я проведу новый год

kesson 04 сентября 2023

Помогите написать сочинение как я проведу новый год

категория: английский язык


Two days before the New Year I with my mother decorate the tree . Dad went for groceries. On Pre Next day my mom started to cook foods prazdnechnomu table, I certainly helped her . Another day has passed , and now here comes the New Year already . All gathered in a narrow family circle at the table. Pope opens champagne and pours mom myself and all the guests , and I drink juice. And now the President sounded . We went outside to see fireworks. Dad took pitardy and we also shot . It was all very nice . After 15 minutes, began to snow . We went home and under the tree , I discovered his gift I dreamed of for a long time . I thanked the parents. And we all went to bed together .

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