Помогите пожалуйста написать рассказ о нашей планете земля минимум…

miss_daisy 29 октября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста написать рассказ о нашей планете земля минимум 5 предложений на английскомязыке

категория: английский язык


Our Earth, along with the other planets of the solar system formed about 4,54 billion years ago, so its history is not set out in detail in a few words. However, I will try to tell you the most basic and most interesting. We start from a distance. Interstellar Cloud — Nebula — rotates slowly, gradually shrinking, and flattened by gravity (look at the images of galaxies, and you will understand how it happens rotation and compression). Of gas and dust cloud, through this process appears our solar system. This happened about 5 billion years ago. Of course, no one can tell us this, but in our universe all events do have consequences, and it is for this evidence of the last modern scientists can make assumptions about the events of the past

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29 октября 2023
Лексико-грамматическое заданиеЧасть 1Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную видовременную форму.1. We are not sure if our clients (agree) _________________to such high prices next year.2. Kelly was very nervous, because she never (take) _________________examinations before.3. We came to the airport and then our luggage (check) ____________by the customs officer.4. My friend left for Australia two years ago and I (not see) _____________him since then.5. As soon as he (come) ___________________, we'll be able to speak to him.6. My uncle (ell off the ladder while he (paint) __________the ceiling.7. We wondered where he (stay) ________________________in London next time.S. They will cancel the trip if there (be) ______________thick fog.9. I am very busy at the moment. I (prepare) _______________ dinner for my children.10. Winter is usually warm here and it (not snow) often. Часть 2 Обведите правильный вариант ответа кружком.1.____________a modern kitchen and a well-equipped bath room in their flat.a) It is b) There is c) There are d) There were2. The policeman showed me several photos, but 1 didn't recognise _________a) somebody b) nobody c) anybody d) some3. How much__________ _____to fly to New York? a) costs b) it costs c) docs cost d) docs it cost4. The weather today is______ yesterday.a) worse than b) more bad thanc) worst than d) worse5. He had no money at that time, ________? a) did he b) had he c) hadn't he d) isn't it6. Our house is smaller than _____________.a) their b) theirs c) them d) your7. Your watch ________. ________five minutes slow.a) are b) have c) is d) were8. __________________late, we must hurry.a) There is b) That is c) It was d) It is9. It's a good party. Everybody _____________ it.a) is enjoying b) enjoyingc) are enjoying d) have enjoyed10. ____________ something wrong with the car.a) It is b) This is c) There is d) There be

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