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master-jedi 05 сентября 2023

Помогите пожалуйста правильно вставить слова, которые в скобках на те же местаIt was bright and sunny on Saturday morning. We went to the (amuse) park and had a great time there! I enjoyed riding the roller coaster and my little sister played (happy) on the swings while our parents were having their coffee in the summer cafe.Then we watched a funny (perform) in the Green Theatre. It was the first family outing we`d had for ages.

категория: английский язык


It was bright and sunny on Saturday morning. We went to the amusing parkand had a great time there! I enjoyed riding the roller coaster, and mylittle sister played happily on the swings while our parents werehaving their coffee in the summer café. Then we watched a funny perfomance in the Green Threatre. It was the first family outing we'd had for ages.

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