Put theverb in brackets into the Future Indefinite or the Future…

mih81 05 сентября 2023

Put theverb in brackets into the Future Indefinite or the Future Continuous.1. “I ________ (come) at six o’clock.” “Good, I _________ (wait) for you.” 2. “I can’t understand this article.” “I ________ (call) my son. He _________ (translate) it for you.” 3. This time next month I ________ (sit) on a beach.4. You look frozen. Sit down by the fire and I ________ (make) you a cup of tea.5. “That tree makes the house very dark.” “Very well, I ______ (cut) it down.” 6. “What _____ you _____ (do) when you grow up? ” “I _______ (be) a pilot.” 7. “What _____ you ______ (do) at this time tomorrow? ” “I _______ (play) football.” 8. My son _______ (be) in the fifth form next year. That means that he ______ (start) learning German.9. Don’t ring her up at 9, she _______ (put) her children to bed. Ring up later. 10. My brother _________ (prepare) for his exam when I return.

категория: английский язык


1, will come, be waiting2. will call, will ranslate3. will be sitting4. will make5. will cut6. will you be doing, will be7. will be doing, will be playing8. will be, will start9. will be putting10. will be preparing

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