Rewrite the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice 1) john…

rroman 02 октября 2023

Rewrite the sentences from Active Voice into Passive Voice 1) john r r tolkien wrote his famous novel the lord of the rings in 1965 2. In Bangladeshpeople celebrate New Year in april 3. "our team will win the prize" — said the boy 4. Most people in the country speak english 5. the students use computers at the lessons 6. joseph turner painted this unforgettable landscape 7. the winter will publish his new book next year 8. the girl cleaned the room yesterday 9. i'll collect the books from you — said jim 10. a group of artists organised this oriiginal exhibition 11 their team lost the game yesterday 12. thousansd of tourists visit london every month

категория: английский язык


1. The famous novel The lord of the rings was writen in 1965 by john r r tolkien.2. New Year in Bangladesh is celebrated in April.3. "the prize will be won by our team" — said the boy4. English is spoken by Most people in the country5. computers are used by the students at the lessons6. this unforgettable landscape was painted by joseph turner7. the new book will be published nexy year.8. the room was cleaned by girl yesterday.9. the books will be collected — said Jim.10. this oriiginal exhibition was organised by a group of artists.11. the game was lost by their team yesterday.12. London isvisited by tourists every month

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