Составить сочинение на тему"Музыка в моей жизни»

websam 12 октября 2023

Составить сочинение на тему"Музыка в моей жизни»

категория: английский язык


Music takes a great part in everybody's life and mine, too. I like the feeling that music gives me. It really inspires me to enjoy my life, to love and to have fun. It helps me to relax after a long and tiring day. You may just come home and turn your favorite music on and forget about your problems. Also, seeing musicians perform on stage is very amazing. They prove that if you have a dream, just follow it and nobody can't stop you. Also, a good thing about music is that you can find friends through it. I mean, if you love pop songs, you may talk about them with people and share your ideas. If there wasn't music in the world, the world would loose much. The music makes the world go round!

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