Выбрать правильную форму my grandmother

keksite 11 октября 2023

Выбрать правильную форму my grandmother (moves, moved) the armchair to the fire and sat down. Who (sells,sold) vegetables in our village last year? We (try, tried) to move the box but couldn't ,because it was too heavy. Our cat (hates,hated) dogs. When it sees a dog it tries to fight. Somebody (touches,touched) me on the arm when i got on a bus. The grandmother is (love,loved) by everybody. The table was (move,moved) to the window. The boy (ties,tied) the horse to the tree and went to the house

категория: английский язык


my grandmother moved the armchair to the fire and sat down. Who sold vegetables in our village last year? We tried to move the box but couldn't ,because it was too heavy. Our cat hates dogs. When it sees a dog it tries to fight. Somebody touched me on the arm when i got on a bus. The grandmother is loved by everybody. The table was moved to the window. The boy tied the horse to the tree and went to the house

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