When the French children were in London…

sbr1r 29 сентября 2023

When the French children were in London,they stayed at Springfield School.On the wall stand they saw phoros of the most interesting schoolactivities.1) What competition is Clare commenting on? (listing for specific information) 2) How long were the children competing? (reading for specific information) CLARE: In this photo,we are in our school playground.It was a National Skipping Day.We were skipping (прыгать через скакалку) for 15 minutes.And we did 339,675 skips! MARIE: Did you take part, too? CLARE: No, I didan t.While my classmates were competing,I took this photo.

категория: английский язык


1. Clair is commenting on a National Skipping Competition.2. The children were competing for 15 minutes.

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