Fill in prepositions if necessary: 1) He must go to St.Petersburg …

middlemax 04 сентября 2023

Fill in prepositions if necessary: 1) He must go to St.Petersburg … spring. 2) We take our written exams… .January. 3) Our studies begin… autumn. 4) What do you do… .Sunday? 5) All the students of our group will take part in the concert… .the eighth… .May. 6) May I ring you up… .the morning? 7) My elder brother is a doctor. He often comes… home late… night.8) Is there anybody… the Dean's office? 9) I must go and see him… three o'clock… .Friday. 10) Listen… .the new text… .the laboratory. 11) Look… .the blackboard. Do you see any mistakes… . it? 12) Who is… .duty today? 13) Will you go… .the blackboard? 14) You may go… your place. 15) … the right… the dining-table there is a cupboard.

категория: английский язык


Inininonon the eighth of inha often comes home late at nightatat, onto, in (можно at) at,onontotoon,of

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