Надо написать сочинение на тему "I'm proud of my country"…

justme 17 сентября 2023

Надо написать сочинение на тему "I'm proud of my country" на англисском P.S. Если вы пользуетесь переводчиком, то делайте это правильно, а то естьтакие

категория: английский язык


Russia is very big country, besides it's the biggest country in the world.I'm proud of my country, because it has the famous Moscow Kremlin, the main sight of our capital. It's also has the great cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin who was the first man that flew to the space. And his famous phrase "Poyehali! " which means "Let's go! " became the catch phrase among the world's cosmonauts.The third sight of our country is the Russian food, It's the borshch — Russian soup which has the main ingredients — beetroot, cabbage and meat, the pancakes which sounds in Russian like "blini".Finally, I'm proud of my country because it has the beautiful, great and powerful Russian language which is rich in such words like «мама» , «родина» , «отчизна» .Welcome to our country!

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